31 Days To Bigger Arms

Health, Fitness & Lifestyle

31 Days To Bigger Arms

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Now comes the fun part. We’re going to start with your new 31- day arm routine. You’re going to work arms three days a week. I’d suggest Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You’ll never make any
significant gains if you aren’t eating plenty of high quality food with an
emphasis on lots of protein…preferably at least 2 grams of high quality
complete protein per each pound of bodyweight.
What is a “complete” protein? That is a protein source that contains
all the essential amino acids (protein is composed of amino acids) that
are required by your body to support growth. These sources are: red
meat, chicken, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Other foods like beans
and nuts have protein, but it is an incomplete protein. They do not
contain all the essential amino acids to support growth, so don’t
depend on those to supply your protein needs. Just eat plenty of good
wholesome food and try to avoid the sugary junk. A little now and
then won’t hurt you, though.
If you’re going to follow a specialization routine and try to build as
much arm size as possible in 31 days, then I wouldn’t be too worried
about “bulking up” a little and adding a few pounds of body fat. It’s
nearly impossible to add significant muscle mass without putting on a
little bulk.

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