In this eBook you will gain an Understanding Of Anxiety At Work complete with Help Sheets and Exercises in this Work Book designed for People Managers and their employees - price in UK £6, in the US $7
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eBook Content Details:
In this eBook you will learn how to Understand Anxiety and the impact this has on the individuals who show the signs of anxiety at work. Managers, occupational health and employees should work together both before and after an employee returns to work to develop individually tailored and efficient plans.
For many years, employers have been concerned about stress and how to manage it because the causes of it may be work related and they could have a responsibility in causing it. Does the same apply to anxiety do you think?
Included within this eBook you will find the following Chapters:
The Causes Of Anxiety Disorders
The Legal Issue - Health & Safety At Work
Disability Discrimination
The Stigma
Help Sheets 1 - 3
Exercises 1 -5