by John Stroup
Have you ever wondered how one becomes an influencer. We discuss how to build a larger fanbase and how to become insta famous.
Tips and tricks on becoming instagram famous. I'm not promising a quick way to get instagram famous,but these are just proven methods that have been working for years that'll allow you to grow quicker building you up on your way to becoming an influencer. Take a new perspective on how you look at instagram by diving deeper into the instagram algorithm. Discuss with me about new social media trends and how you can take advantage of them and use instagram as a form of and tricks on becoming instagram famous strong visuals and descriptions
It was an ok read it's not what I'd usually prefer cuz I don't use instagram
I use instagram and this was really helpful it's helped me actually grow my page by 500 new followers within the last 2 weeks. Yeah engagement and consistently posting at the right times really does help you...
This was actually helptul wow! This was more helpful than watching a 40 minute video on how to actually become and influencer. lollll
I liked it, but I didn't love it. It definitely is worth the buy though. It gave some really good advice
I usually don't read E-books, but was actually interesting to follow along with.
It was sightful. John should make a part two for advanced users like with the business aspect including marketing and setting up your instagram store.
I liked everything besides the fact that the book was so long. It was interesting,but it was too long honestly
It was a good book and it wasn't that long despite what Page said... lol... honestly it's informative and it was worth the purchase
The instagram group chat was blowing up about this book so I had to come check it out. I honestly don't know what the hype was about. Haha just kidding I loved it.