Order Boosters Order Boosters

Digital e-Marketing

Order Boosters


An excellent report on how to increase orders and recruit customers via the Internet


USD $9.99


Order Boosters: 27 Ways To Create Urgency And Get People To Order Now

In this 25 Page Report There are two questions that need to be answered: Why do people walk away without buying? How can (at least some of) those who walk away be convinced to buy?

Some are on the fence. Some are a strong "maybe". Some have raised their hand to say, "I'm interested ... tell me why I should buy"? It is for these people that you need to know the answer to the second question. Order Boosters will give you 27 ways to convince (at least some of) those who wouldn't buy otherwise.

Here are just a few things you'll learn when you download your copy today...

  • 27 simple things you can do to increase your "conversion rate" (number of browsers who become buyers), many of which can be implemented on the same day you download the report below!
  • How to increase the "perceived value" of your offer so it is "worth" more to the customer, including 5 ways to use incentives to make your offer irresistibleNOTE: It's not uncommon for people to order more because of the bonuses than the main product!
  • Pricing strategies, natural urgency triggers and social proofs that get prospects to the buy button or the checkout line - many times it's all about simple tweaks that can significantly increase buyer response!
  • My favorite "statements" to include to maximize your orders - people are actively looking for them in your sales process. If you don't include these things, there will be those that automatically will not buy!
  • Effective strategies for breaking down barriers, handling objections and getting past buyer resistance to prevent prospects from walking away without buying from you. This is the main objective of the report: to turn more "no, thank you" responses into "yes, please" responses!

None of these things is rocket science. They aren't magic. They are tried and true marketing strategies that have been proven to work in producing extra orders.

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