innovation is an orderly and clear process that not only can but must be induced in companies. If you are the one responsible for it, find out how to start your innovation job in this book.
Charles Darwin said that neither the biggest nor the strongest species are those that survive but those that best adapt. Otherwise, we would have dinosaurs still walking on the planet! This is precisely what happens with companies: we don't need to be the biggest or the ones with the most resources, we need to be the ones that adapt the fastest to VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) environments and do it well. This is excellent news for SMEs because they will never be able to compete with a large company regarding resources or contacts. However, given the small size of our organization, there is something in which we can and must be better: in agility to adapt, as happened millions of years ago with mammals. Size, this time, played in their favor!