Eat Right Be Bright Eat Right Be Bright

Health, Fitness & Lifestyle

Eat Right Be Bright


This e book is amazing it is a must to read for a healthy living . The vegetarian quality of life , switch to becoming a culture that hunts for vegetables rather than meat is going to be a difficult transition at a cultural level.


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" Make it easy on yourself". The auhtor  like that phrase.  and Its a good motto for learning a new skill or going through a big life transition.  When you decide to explore  becoming a vegetarian,  it is very easy to get scared off by what appears  to be a difficult road ahead.  But the truth is , there is an easy way and a  hard way to become vegetarian.  So in keeping with our motto of the day " Make it easy on yourself". lets discuss the vegetarianism the easy way..

It is good  for those who plainly  see that difference  is quality of life as a vegetarian compare to before  the transition is as different  as night and day  to be abvle to have some understanding  for our cultural bias towards meat eating. After all civilization has been  meat based for a long time.  Perhaps as far back as caveman days, the male urge to hunt meat  for food is deeply  ingrained in us as a species.  So to switch to becoming  a culture that hunts  for vegetables rather  than meats  is going to be a difficult transition at a cultural level and its going  to take some time.    


  • Kelly Brown
    14 Mar 2022

    I love this book. It is very informative and enjoyable to read . I especially like Dr. Robert makes a lot of sense that you should fast. I tried to apply the e book and I feel 100% better. I am very happy with this e book as I learned a lot. Thank you so much.

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