The Twenty Six Golden Rules of Onlline Marketing

Business & Marketing

The Twenty Six Golden Rules of Onlline Marketing


The fundamental truth of online marketing


USD $9.99

When you know, respect and live the fundamental truths of life, your journey becomes easier and your load much lighter. Here are the fundamental truths of online marketing, of life, and of the universe. Okay, maybe they're not so grand as all that – I'll let you decide.
Golden Rule #1: You are responsible for your own success. Daunting, isn't it? When you fully realize that you and you alone are responsible for your success or failure – that you've no one to blame or congratulate but yourself – it can almost take your breath away. However, this can also be the most empowering realization you will ever have because you realize that your destiny is in your own hands. It is up to you to make this the life you choose, not the life you settle for.

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