by Linus Luki
If you have been wondering whether podcasting is out of reach, take a deep breath and count your blessings. You're about to find out the hidden secrets of podcasting in this beautifully written and well-researched ebook.
A podcast is simply a series of digital audio les that people can download and listen to. It can be downloaded to the user’s personal devices, such as cellphones and laptops or computers.Tobemorespeci c,apodcastisanepisodicseries of recorded spoken words that can be all focused on a particular or particular topic, genre, or theme.
In a dictionary form, a podcast refers to a digital audio le in a series form that can be found on the Internet and is available for download. Way back in 2004, the term podcast was coined and rst used by
Ben Hammersly in The Guardian newspaper article. A podcast is basically the combination of iPod and broadcast. However, it should be noted that it was not Ben Hammsersly who created and developed the podcast.