If your goal is to have heartburn no more, this book about acid reflux is an ideal place to start.
USD $6
Acid reflux is a condition characterized by heartburn and other uncomfortablesymptoms. Although the exact cause of acid reflux is not known, there seems to be a link between its symptoms and a person’s diet. Acid reflux happens during the digestive process. There is a valve between the esophagus and stomach called the lower esophageal sphincter. This valve opens when food is swallowed to allow it to enter the stomach. In optimal conditions, it also keeps stomach acid from refluxing back into the esophagus. Occasionally, the lower esophageal sphincter will open during times when it should be open. This allows stomach acid to reflux, causing the uncomfortable and sometimes painful symptom known as heartburn.
Very informative and helpful!
This book has a lot of good information about acid reflux. Highly recommended.