Hello, Goodbye: A Book of Poems Hello, Goodbye: A Book of Poems

Poetry, Drama & Criticism

Hello, Goodbye: A Book of Poems

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Hello, Goodbye is a quick-read book of poetry. Straight of the authors heart, this book explores the topics of heartbreak, inspiration, wanderlust, and changing oneself for the better. Let it be an inspiration to you.


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This lovely book of poems is sweet and simple. It's a summary of the author's raw emotions. With the use of unconventional puncuation, awkward spacing, and images, the purpose is intensified. Experience, a tornado of hearfelt words, and raw emotions, you know that you aren't alone with what you're going through. This is a book filled with inspiration, heartbreak, honesty and knowing love can always be found again, whether you love yourslef or someone/something else.Turn the coal in your soul into a gorgeous diamond. Hello, Goodbye explores the virtues of changing oneself into an even better version with the values that expedite what your heart wants. In this copy, you will find fifty mixed poems. Turn the coal in your soul into a gorgeous diamond. 

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