Truth or Fiction? Short Stories

Religion & Spirituality

Truth or Fiction? Short Stories

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Short stories geared to spiritual wellness


USD $4.99


This book is fantasy and it's contents depend on what the reader believes in. The 'Fence' has a spirtual menaing and represents protection. You have free will to stay in or out.  There are consequences when you choose to live outside. It is written in a simple language so the whole family can enjoy reading. 

'The Power of Mother's Love' is a story about a spiritual journey of one mother to save her children from despair. 

'Third and the Last Bride' is the picture of the Father's unconditional love. His Son and the perfect bride he found in the end.

'You Have Been Decieved' is a story based on many supernatural experiences with death and suicide. The belief either Hell is real or not will decide your eternity. You don't have to believe, but what if you are wrong?

  • Liz
    21 Jul 2020

    I really appreciate the way Danuta writes. It is a great for children too and easy to explain if questions come up.

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