365 Manifestation Power

Self Help & Motivational

365 Manifestation Power

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365 Manifestation Power is a personal transformational course designed to help you - or anyone - discover his or her inner desire and passions, and manifest them into reality.


USD $7.99

With this guide you will:
  • Learn the art of self-mastery so you will understand your true self and ignite your true potential in life
  • Learn how to activate the power of the law of attraction and bend the universe to your will  
  • Learn how to activate your 'invisible shield' that will protect you against countless negativity in life 
  • Be able to achieve crystal clear mental clarity and missile-like focus so you'll only manifest what truly matters. 
  • Be invincible in face of fear and able to face them hard on. 
  • Begin to notice that the right people, the right resources, the right relationships and the right circumstances just magically appear in your life without any prompting or effort from you 
  • Learn how to create your own legacy that is everlasting.
  • and many more profound wisdom waiting to be revealed!

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