Your Desire and The Law of Attraction

Religion & Spirituality

Your Desire and The Law of Attraction


In summary, this book will teach you about the law of attraction principles and how to manifest your desires into reality.


USD $20


If you are experiencing hard times in your life, it is very important that you become familiar with the term "law of attraction," or LOA. 

The law of attraction states that you are basically responsible for all the circumstances of your life, whether good or bad. You draw everything into your life that exists. You have the power to create positive circumstances in your life, you just have to know how to harness the power of the law of attraction. 

The following chapters will go over the basics of the law of attraction so that you can acquire a better understanding of what it truly is.

See you on the inside!


  • Cindy Jones
    24 Oct 2021

    We attract what we want whether its good or bad. This is an amazing book. It will help you with your mindset and personal development.

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