Holistic Personal Development

Religion & Spirituality

Holistic Personal Development


In summary, Holistic Personal Development Mastering Every Aspect Of Your Life In Habits, Relationships, Career, Money, Health And Your Ultimate Calling Using Stephen Covey’s Timeless Model


USD $30


Stephen Convey created a sensation when he wrote and released "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." Suddenly, people began to set up and take notice. They felt... there are so many ways they can implement to enhance their lifestyle. They can bring about these enhancements just by making minor changes to their mindset and their way of approaching thing. 

However, there are more implications of this wonderful book than you might think. There are more ways to harness the vast richness of knowledge and wisdom that is housed in this book. 

In this book, "Holistic Personal Development" is not just a different way of saying what the legendary Stephen Convey has already said. We will be peppering our book with many tips and suggestions throughout which can give a whole new positive direction to your life.

See you on the inside!


  • Rene Johnson
    22 Oct 2021

    Holistic Personal Development is a great book. I recommend this book. It will change the way you see yourself and the world around you. You have the power to manifest anything you want.

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