In summary, A Journey of the Soul is to help you learn to unlearned what you have been taught and to manifest success into reality.
I found one Law, the Law of Love; one Life, the Life of adjustment to that Law; one Truth, the truth of a conquered mind and a quiet and obedient heart. And I dream of writing a book which help men and women, whether rich or poor, learned or unlearned, wordly or unworldly, to find within themselves the source of all success, all happiness, all accomplishment, all truth.
The dream remained with me, and at last become substantial; and now, I send it forth into the world on its mission of healing and blessedness, knowing that it cannot fail to reach the homes and hearts of those who are waiting and ready to receive it.
This book has opened my eyes and showed me what I was taught is all a lie. We are spiritual beings descended to earth to learn lessons for our soul to evolve. I recommend this book. It will help you in every aspect of your life.