Laser Focused

Digital e-Marketing

Laser Focused


Lack of focus can have a negative effect on how successful we are at work and in our personal lives. Focus is a skill that we develop by training and practice. Productivity requires intention and strategy to help make your time work for you.


USD $22


We live in an era of information overload. We are bombarded with media, technology, entertainment, and notification every day. It seems there are hundereds of people and things competing for your attention at any given time. There is no wonder why in the last few years, our attention spans have become shorter and our ability to focus has decreased. 

In this book, you will find ways to help you minimize those distractions that may be holding you back from focusing on what is most important to help you build a successful business online. 


  • Sharron Smith
    16 Oct 2021

    This book has help me to stay grounded and focused when it comes to building my business online. I recommend this book.

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