Plastic 101 – How It Impacts Your Life & The Environment Around You

Green & Environmental

Plastic 101 – How It Impacts Your Life & The Environment Around You

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In this book, you'll learn about Plastic and how it impacts your life & the environment around.


USD $79


If you stop to take a look around you right now, there’s a very good chance you’ll find more than a dozen items made from plastic. If you’re reading on your computer then your hands are on plastic. Pens, water bottles, cellphone cases, bags, and even clothing are all made from plastic.We love plastic because it’s easy. Unfortunately, the reasons that we love plastic are the same reasons that it’s destroying the environment. The durable and inexpensive polymers aren’t natural and they’re abundant in the environment. It’s causing problems with our health and it’s killing wildlife. Plastic bags and bottles seem to be one of the largest problems. In this book we will know everything about plastic and why it is dangerous.

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