Marie Rousseau

Marie Rousseau

About Marie Rousseau

Marie is a creative entrepreneur with interests in music, art, and film. She believes everything serves a purpose and there is no such thing as "good" or "bad", just desirable and undesirable. Marie's consultations have been described as to the point, enlightening, and a "no bullshit" stance, giving people what they NEED to hear and not what they want to hear. She's the pep talk you need and uses the oldest science in the world to do so Astrology. Some brief background, Marie Rousseau has been an ASCAP member for over 12 years becoming a rap artist and songwriter at the age of 13. She's traveled across the United States living in 6 states with intentions of living in more during her lifetime. She's studied Theater Arts, English, and Computer Science and has lived a very colorful life from lows to high.
She's an avid writer, a student of Astrology and the Occult Sciences. She believes her greatest achievement is being a mother of three amazing boys and one amazing daughter.

She stands by her integrity and "No Judgement" attitude.


Owner and host of Astrology and Life Transformative "The Egoist Podcast

Student of Cozmophyzix Astrology founded by Ra Akhu and advocate for women and minorities in the field of astrology and occult sciences.

Books By Marie Rousseau