

About kqatarneh

Hi Readers!

When you start looking into a new subject that you would like to learn and start searching the internet, most likely you will be overwhelmed with all the information that you will find.

Therefore, I started writing my own content about many subjects to let my readers avoid that pitfall, it is imperative you get specific guidance on how the information applies to you.

I have packed the books with good, actionable content, it is a summary of the different books I read in the same subject and worked with people across the subject spectrum and searched it to offer the best content and beneficial to my readers.

I encourage you to read and study these books, and more importantly, implement the concepts, so you can get the most out of them. Whether you're a brand new beginner or an expert, sometimes you have to go back to the basics and see what you have missed. I would like you to enjoy my books and open your eyes.

Sometimes you have to refine your approach, implement more discipline, create a solid plan with maybe a little tweak that can significantly improve your understanding of any problem you have.