Wayne Turner

Wayne Turner

About Wayne Turner

           Welcome to Kingdom Bound Publishing: My name is Wayne Turner, I am the founder and execulative officer over Kingdom Bound Discipleship International, an evangelical teaching ministry developed for field pastors & missionaries in developing nations world wide. Our vision is to raise up these Warriors of the kingdom of God, in the name of Lord Jesus our Savior & King, by the power of the Holy Spirit of God. Through Kingdom Bound Magazine, we will be providing these menn & women of God with valable indepth bible teaching, which will bring them who choose into deeper waters in the Word of God.

After ministering to various pastors in Uganda, Kenya, I have learned for their hunger for the Word of God. One thing I had learnt is that there is a lack of good bible based teachings in much of the third world nations, primarily due to high cost for internet servive or data. Some years ago two pastors urged me to start sending them bible studies, and by the next month I did just that. By the end of the first month I had 308 subscribbers fromm 22 nations. However, soon after the second missue was released my tablet crashed and I just didn't have the money to fix the issue and lost allm of the contacts. Kingdom Bound Magazine is a huge up grade from this first attempt, including Kingdom Bound Publishing from which thi website was created so we could have a book store to release to you Kingdom Bound Magazine. Kingdom Bound Publishing will also become one our fund raising ministry in the future. It's not ready yet.  

 Through our international headquarters Bishop Robert Has establish a collision of ministry bishops who are currently equipting church ministries with the Kingdom Bound Discipleship Curriculum, which is being released to the general publish In our convenient monthly e-magazine, absolutely free. All I can ask ist that you might be willing to partner up with Kingdom Bound Discipleship International in one of our current ministry projects. You will find more information concerning ministry partnership in the back of each of our ministries magazine issues.

 It is the vision of Kingdom Bound Publishing to obtain two more websites some time next years to sell various products world wide, to again be a fund raising tools for the vision of  Kingdom Bound Discipleship International, whcich to up lift pastors and missionaries with strong indept bible studies, evangelism training at our Kampala Ugandan head quarters, and soon hoping to provide evangelism training in video form, for free down load, to assist your minitry in growing your congregation even the more. We are also looking for Kingdom Bound Discipleship International representatives. If interested contatct Bishop Tumusiime Robert at: [email protected]. We are also dedicated in church planting as well. 

So make sure you don't miss out on a single issue and if you do, they will stay avaliable until the beginning of next year. At which time they will be incorporated in a booklet and place on sale in our store, as part of our fund raising efforts. However, those who are representatives of Kingdom Bound Discipleship Ministry will be give pass codes towarards these annual books/booklets for 1 u.s. penny.

Stay Stry Stay Blessed in Jesus' name Amen                                    



Books By Wayne Turner