Jay Pierce

Jay Pierce

About Jay Pierce

Much can be said about this aging entrepreneur raised in the countryside of upper

New York state..   He has set up an run several brick and mortar businesses throughout

his life including a Dairy Farm,  a Trucking Business,  and a Computer  Data 

Processing Company.  After he retired he turned to the internet.  This was definitely a

challenge  but he decided to try his hand at making money online.  He learned that things

are certainly different in the cyberspace than they are in the physical world.  

After researching the best avenue to persue for  personal success,  he settled on

writing e-Books.  He has penned several successful e-Books to date and continues to learn

more about the internet and the different topics that would be of interest to the public.

He continues to do research and to put that information into forth-coming new e-Books