DJ Patrick

DJ Patrick

About DJ Patrick

Welcome, I'm DJ, a retired engineer and lecturer from the north of England in the United Kingdom. I am originally from Scotland and moved to a new home in England to continue my career in 2009.  

Throughout my career, I've always been fascinated by the concept of continuously improving and finding ways to optimize systems. As an engineer, I was constantly seeking innovative solutions to complex problems. And as a lecturer, I had the privilege of sharing my knowledge and helping students grow.

Now, in this new chapter of my life, I'm thrilled to combine these passions to assist individuals like you in many different areas through my writing. The books I write and the presentations I create are geared towards informing and coaching.

I do hope, that if you decide to purchase any of my books you find them well written, interesting and full of information and guidance you can take away and use to help you on your journey. 

I would like to thank you for taking the time to "check me out" and, if you have purchased one of my books, I would welcome your feedback in regard the quality and content. Please forward any comments to [email protected]  

To your health and success

DJ Patrick

Books By DJ Patrick