John Daly

John Daly

About John Daly

DalyDocuments, Inc.

John Daly, owner of DalyDocuments, Inc. has worked in litigation services for over 20 years. Personally working with over a million pages of data and legal document productions. John has a bachelor's degree from Metropolitian University in College of Independent Studies. He has worked with Ben Shank, Writing Consultants, for over 15 years. Helping with creation and execution of hundreds of writing training workbooks and course work. John has prepared thousands of pages of trianing manuals and writing course work.

Writing Consultants, Inc.

Ben Shank, owner of Writing Consultants, Inc. has taught writing and written professionaly since 1975.  His experience has been broad and varied. Ben has long been recognized as an outstanding writing instructor in corporate settings. His background includes an undergraduate degree in communications, graduate training in industrial relations and ethics, and a master's degree in psychology. 

Books By John Daly