Cathy Jarrett Brooks

Cathy Jarrett Brooks

About Cathy Jarrett Brooks

Obtained a medical background with 18 years of experience from MCV Hospitals as a Surgical Coordinator. Since 1997, I've pursued my passion in the field of Early Childhood Education in many capacities.  This field offered me opportunities to gain experience and skills as a Preschool Teacher, USDA Childcare Food Monitor, and Children's Edutainer.  Currently, we are offering a Mobile and online Educational Family Resource Service.  We've added Handcrafted Creative Interactive tools to aid in daily learning using imagination and creativity.  Additionally, we use our handcrafted teaching toolbox characters as part of the program along with fabric textile and box arts. Penny Pockets 2-GO & Story Hand Of Courage are our signature art/craft items on display. Please visit us at www.luvbearsedutainment.now.site