Steve Stapleton

Steve Stapleton

About Steve Stapleton

Steve Stapleton founded his own Health Shop in a small market town in England in 2001.

During the next 17 years, he qualified as a nutritionist and took numerous courses with supplement manufacturers to enable him to tackle what he saw as the top problems with people’s health – digestive health, emotional health and lifestyle.

In the early days it was an uphill battle; often having to face criticism from local doctors for promoting probiotics and fibre remedies to customers.

However, with the gradual recognition that the microbiome has an incredibly important role to play in everyone’s health, things became easier and he was even asked to give talks at the local surgery.

After retiring in 2018, Steve was still being sought out for his advice. So now, to try and help as many people as possible (without having to come out of retirement), he has turned to the internet to provide the information needed to improve your health.

Your health – from the inside out!

Books By Steve Stapleton