David Dean Ellis DD LL.M MBA

David Dean Ellis DD LL.M MBA

About David Dean Ellis DD LL.M MBA

David Ellis D.D, LL.M MBA, has been an icon in the health and wellness industry for over 20 years.

A graduate of The University of Cumbria Master of Laws Program, and The University of Edinburgh, Mr. Ellis’ background spans the spectrum from a Registered Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher Trainer (ERYT) and Continuing Education Provider (YACEP), A Master Neuro Linguistics Practitioner (NLPMP) and Hypnotherapy Educator with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (C.H’t). He is also a certified Nutritional Counselor with the Institute of Natural Health (Dip.N).

As a clinician, his experience ranges from hosting international radio shows, and live workshop events to authoring government syndicated protocol documents on health and wellness.

He is an accomplished athlete with gold medals in Pan Caribbean Martial Arts Competitions and is a registered Olympic Coach. Mr. Ellis Currently holds a 7th degree black belt in Budokaido and a first- degree black belt in Judo.