Cool Breeze Author

Cool Breeze Author

About Cool Breeze Author

I am an author, weaving tales that seamlessly blend mystery, love, and action. With a distinctive voice and an eye for detail, that create atmospheric stories that linger long after the final chapter.

Growing up in a bustling city, I found solace in books, nurturing a vivid imagination that would later fuel their own writing. The journey as an author began when they stumbled upon an old typewriter at a bootfair market, igniting a passion to tell stories that resonate with readers worldwide.

As a former musician, I often incorporates the love for music into the prose, crafting lyrical sentences that dance off the page. Their novels frequently feature eccentric characters and intricate plots, with themes ranging from self-discovery and redemption to the power of love and the strength of the human spirit.

When not lost in a world of words, I enjoys playing the guitar, cooking up a storm in the kitchen, and practicing photography. I also have a soft spot for animals and actively support various charities including cancer research.


Books By Cool Breeze Author