Conard Howe

Conard Howe

About Conard Howe

Conard stands as a true visionary, hailing from the vibrant neighborhood of Harlem, New York. His unbridled passion for the harmonious fusion of music and technology blazed a trail to success that is nothing short of extraordinary.

Having been a Post House Manager, Artist Manager, Music Producer, and now the co-owner of Genius Mindz/Content Promo, Conard's expertise seamlessly melds technical brilliance with creative ingenuity. In his own words, "These days, I create B.A.R.S for businesses - Backend Automation Retention Strategies - designed to re-engage (in most cases), and automate processes for untapped revenue possibilities, from past and present customers and/or clients, while also nurturing relationships with people who have expressed interest in our client's product or service."

Through his literary works, he generously imparts the invaluable insights garnered from his personal journey of growth and adaptability, enabling others to conquer their own challenges.

Prepare to take on a transformational odyssey with Conard as your esteemed guide. His mission, inspiring readers to conquer their own obstacles and unlock the boundless potential that resides within them. Be prepared to be utterly captivated by the seamless fusion of technical know-how and innovative thinking, a union that empowers you to embrace the life you truly desire.

Brace yourself for an extraordinary adventure illuminated by the luminous wisdom of Conard Howe, a maestro of life's most intricate symphonies.