Andrew J Spencer ..

Andrew J Spencer ..

About Andrew J Spencer ..

Andrew’s career began in the aviation business in 1990. During that time the introduction of desktop computer technology and communications became widely available and its application was particularly prevalent in the aircraft industry. This taught him about logical and intuitive processes and systems which gave him valuable experience in the use of digital technology and more importantly, the potential for its use in other areas of business.

Throughout the early 2000’s, Andrew began learning, developing and applying systems to easily trade the stock market without emotion and with minimal controlled risk.

Having established his online investment systems, Andrew turned his attention to online business to generate capital to invest.

While Andrew has a passion for aviation, the aviation industry was in decline and significant technical projects, of relevance to Andrew, were becoming scarce. As a result changes in working practices and financial constraints were introduced into the workplace and Andrew began to suffer health problems from work-related stress issues and was diagnosed with severe depression.

As a result of the depression and its treatment, something changed in Andrew and his mind-set completely altered as he explored the science of mental health, spiritual wellbeing, mindfulness and motivation.

Andrew eventually accepted that he was no longer happy in his job and decided to leave the aviation industry to pursue his entrepreneurial ambitions full time. Andrew began spending his time on online marketing and e-commerce and started his first online business in which he continues to develop and grow his online business interests and knowledge base.

Andrew has always believed that the best way to help one’s self is by helping others, and he has written and continues to write books to share some of his knowledge to help others interested in online business, financial trading and motivation / self-improvement. Andrew became an ‘international best-selling’ co-author in 2018.