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  • Redemption
    Self Help & Motivational

    “Redemption: Making The Most Out Of Your Second Chances” is a guide that will examine what second chances look like and how they show up in our lives. more

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  • Rest
    Self Help & Motivational

    “REST: The Unique Upside Of Taking Deliberate Downtime” is a book that defines what rest means and the incredible benefits it can deliver. You'll learn what happens if you don't get enough rest and relaxation. more

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    USD $7.45

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  • Rewire Positivity
    Self Help & Motivational
    Rewire Positivity

    “Rewire Positivity: Flipping The Switch From Negative To Positive” is a guide that will uncover a systematic approach that anyone can follow to become a more positive, happy, optimistic and joyful person. more

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  • Self-Hypnosis Handbook
    Self Help & Motivational
    Self-Hypnosis Handbook

    “The Self-Hypnosis Handbook” is a guide that will uncover a powerful process that anyone can use to reprogram their subconscious mind to embrace new, empowering, positive habits and behaviors. more

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  • Show Up
    Self Help & Motivational
    Show Up

    “Show Up” is a groundbreaking guide that helps you realize your potential to cultivate rich, meaningful relationships by consistently being present for your loved ones. more

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  • Success Blockers
    Self Help & Motivational
    Success Blockers

    In “Success Blockers – 8 Behaviors That Hold You Back From Success” you are going to learn exactly how you might be holding yourself back from the success you deserve. more

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    USD $9.95

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