"Freelancing: Selling Your Time for Income" is your ultimate guide to succeeding in the gig economy. Learn how to find clients, manage your time, and maximize earnings through proven freelancing strategies and tips for various online platforms. more
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View Details"Tangram Cats Cut Out and Color" is a digital, downloadable, and printable coloring book featuring cat shapes created from tangrams, suitable for all ages. more
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View Details"Candlestick Charts for Commodities Trading" is a comprehensive guide that teaches traders how to effectively analyze and interpret candlestick charts to navigate the complex world of commodities markets. more
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View DetailsBeing the author of a published book establishes authority and can be considered as the new form of business cards. more
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View Details"Tangram Animals" is an engaging puzzle book that introduces readers to the fascinating world of tangram through animal-themed challenges. Perfect for puzzle enthusiasts of all ages. more
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View DetailsCreating an online course involves several key steps that ensure the course is valuable, engaging, and structured to meet learners' needs. Here's a summary of the process: more
USD $24.99
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