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  • Future Hope
    Fiction & Literature
    Future Hope

    Fictional space story. more

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  • Courage Commando
    Self Help & Motivational
    Courage Commando

    "Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Building Courage!" more

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  • 365 Days of Motivation
    Self Help & Motivational
    365 Days of Motivation

    Do you need help with motivation? more

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  • The Art of Companion Planting with Fruits
    Science & Nature
    The Art of Companion Planting with Fruits

    Now that you are armed with the knowledge presented in this book, it is time to put the book down and get your hands dirty. Gardening — more

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  • Coronavirus Outbreak
    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle
    Coronavirus Outbreak

    Coronavirus is the latest viral outbreak to be all over the news. This is a serious infection that has already taken over 1200 lives, and that is rapidly spreading across the world. more

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  • Love lifts you up! Love lifts you up!
    Comics & Cartoons
    Love lifts you up!

    Teaching your children how to Love and how to receive love are the most important lessons. The world’s focus is on material gain and sees certain emotion as frivolous or optional. What we now know is that love is the foundation of true happiness. more

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