A pirate ship near the Cape of Good Hope alarms the Governor. Verbeeck, a pirate hunter, pursues it, falling into a trap by Rogers, a vengeful foe. A dangerous cat-and-mouse game puts the settlement at risk. more
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View DetailsCaptain Verbeeck is sent to find the lost Sluiskerk and the Governor's niece off the West African coast. He discovers a dead longboat with gold and a crude map leading into the desert. more
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View DetailsVerbeeck discovers a mutinied slave ship, only to lose his Red Ruby to leader Van der Leeuwen. Stranded, he faces a brutal fight for survival, torn between vengeance and a twisted crusade. more
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View DetailsIn the fast-paced world of social media, size truly matters! Size Matters: For Social Media Success is your guide to understanding why proper dimensions are crucial for maximising engagement and visibility across platforms. more
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View DetailsBaseball Bob is a story about a passionate 10-year-old boy whose world revolves around baseball, his favorite sport. more
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View DetailsIn the heart of the city, where the echoes of chaos and the shadows of broken promises loom, Grace Montgomery’s journey unfolds. Born into a world riddled with turmoil and trauma, Grace’s life is a testament to the power of faith amidst adversity. more
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