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View DetailsThe Féya of the Mittlevärg is a reportage based on a true story told to her grandchild by an old Irish Lady who had a close connection with one of the "Little People" at the time of the 1840's Irish Potato Famine. more
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View DetailsThe Féya of the Mittlevärg is a reportage based on a true story told to her grandchild by an old Irish Lady who had a close connection with one of the "Little People" at the time of the 1840's Irish Potato Famine. more
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View DetailsGerrit Fourie alias “Die Profeet” is ’n lid van die Geheime Diens in Suid Afrika. In samewerking met kaptein Cornelis Brink van die Speurdiens, sorg hy vir die veiligheid van sy land en sy mense teen die aanslae van gewetenlose skurke. more
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View DetailsDie geniale uitvinder Simon Rand en sy vriendin Nina du Toit het hulle hande behoorlik vol in die wetenskapfiksie verhaal. more
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