"Secrets on the Plains" by Meiring Fouche is a thrilling South African action-western that weaves romance, danger, and adventure as a courageous heroine and a mysterious hero battle villains and uncover a life-changing secret on the untamed plains. more
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View Details"Embrace Your Uniqueness" course is designed to take you on a step-by-step journey, helping you uncover the authentic version of yourself and giving you the tools to honor that truth every day. more
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View DetailsIn the rugged Northeast Cape, young farmer Ryk Schoonraad battles betrayal, violence, and treachery after discovering topaz beneath his land, striving to rebuild, protect his dreams, and uncover the truth amidst greed and shifting loyalties. more
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View DetailsMeet a plucky little penguin who never gives up. Whether it’s climbing snowy hills or learning to fish, this penguin shows that with perseverance, you can achieve anything you set your heart to. more
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View DetailsA devoted wife's commitment is not just directed towards her spouse but also extends to the family as a whole. more
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View DetailsThriving through life's changes in marriage requires a combination of exibility, communication, intimacy, personal growth, conictresolution, and externalsupport. more
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