In "The Man-Eaters of Tsawo," a hermit's map leads to a fabled Lost City of Jewels. Ruthless treasure hunters, a daring heroine, and the mysterious Black Panther clash amidst wild beasts and betrayal in a pulse-pounding race for riches. more
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View DetailsIn the rugged borderlands of Graskolk, Roelien van der Spuy and Ryk Schoonraad uncover a web of betrayal, violence, and hidden truths as they race to solve a chilling mystery shrouded in danger and intrigue. more
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View DetailsIn the rugged Northeast Cape, young farmer Ryk Schoonraad battles betrayal, violence, and treachery after discovering topaz beneath his land, striving to rebuild, protect his dreams, and uncover the truth amidst greed and shifting loyalties. more
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