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  • Intelligent Risk
    Self Help & Motivational
    Intelligent Risk

    “Intelligent Risk – Becoming A Strategic Risk Taker” you'll learn what risk is and the dangers of always playing it safe in life. Sometimes in your life, you should step back and retreat from a potentially risky situation. more

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  • It's Not Too Late
    Self Help & Motivational
    It's Not Too Late

    "It's Not Too Late" is an eBook for all the dreamers out there who think they've missed their shot at success. It's a call to all those who've relegated their passions and goals to the backburner, whispering, "Your dreams are still alive." more

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  • Little Book Of Big Emotions
    Self Help & Motivational
    Little Book Of Big Emotions

    “The Little Book of Big Emotions: Recognizing Emotions In Yourself And Others” is a guide will examine emotions and how they impact our lives. It will focus on several key human emotions and teach us how to identify those feelings in ourselves. more

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  • Mental Muscle
    Self Help & Motivational
    Mental Muscle

    “Mental Muscle – How To Strengthen And Toughen Your Mentality” you'll learn how developing mental toughness will empower you to reach your full capacity and achieve triumph in every aspect of life. more

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  • Playful
    Self Help & Motivational

    “Playful: The Importance Of Playfulness And Humor For Adults” is a guide that will uncover the power of reconnecting to your inner child and learning how to enjoy life all over again. more

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  • Present Moment Awareness
    Self Help & Motivational
    Present Moment Awareness

    “Present Moment Awareness: Leave The Past Behind, Stop Worrying About The Future, Be Here Now” is a guide that will uncover a systematic approach that anyone can follow to live in the NOW and embrace each precious moment of life. more

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