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  • Better Than Ever
    Self Help & Motivational
    Better Than Ever

    “Better Than Ever – An 8 Part System To Become The Best Version Of Yourself” is a guide that give you not only the ingredients for creating your best-ever self but also the step-by-step recipe for getting the job done. more

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  • Dare To Be Uncommon
    Self Help & Motivational
    Dare To Be Uncommon

    “Dare To Be Uncommon” is a book all about discovering and celebrating your unique qualities, and using them to achieve your personal and professional goals. more

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  • Disconnect
    Self Help & Motivational

    “Disconnect: Stepping Away From An Increasingly Connected World” is a guide will show you the drawbacks of being relentlessly connected, and what you can do about it! You'll discover what it means to disconnect. more

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  • Elimination
    Self Help & Motivational

    “Elimination: Free Up Your Life By Eliminating The Unnecessary” is a guide that will help you identify both the necessary and unnecessary components of your daily activities. more

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  • Finding Your Voice
    Self Help & Motivational
    Finding Your Voice

    “Finding Your Voice: Speaking With Power And Confidence” is a guide that will help you become more confident speaking what's on your mind and delivering your message with power and authority. more

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  • Found: Reconnecting With Yourself
    Self Help & Motivational
    Found: Reconnecting With Yourself

    “FOUND – Reconnecting With Yourself When You Feel Lost” is a book that will take you on a journey into WHO you really are. In this program you will step away from the chaos of the world and focus on your true heart’s desires. more

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