Maximize Your AdSense CTR

Business & Marketing

Maximize Your AdSense CTR

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The purpose of this ebook to is to help you increase your revenue from click-thru’s using Google AdSense.


USD $1



Although I cannot guarantee how much money you will make using Google AdSense, I can tell you that the steps outlined in this document have been tested on over 50 Traffic Equalizer websites and produce excellent hassle-free income each and every day of the week!
Five Keys to Maximizing Revenue With Google AdSense
1. Earn more money with every click but at the same time maintain relevance with the ads displayed on your pages.
2. Have lots of pages that display AdWords.
3. Maximize the number of visitors to your website that view more than one page displaying AdWords.
4. Improve the “click-thru” rate of your website.
5. Increase the traffic to your website.
About Me Websites
Google does not accept personal websites for its AdSense program. The reason for this is that most personal websites do not have a specific theme and are usually just a random collection of facts about the website’s owner.
Google looks for content-based websites that contain a lot of information about a specific topic. The website has to have a central theme to which all the pages refer.
Step 2 - Create More Content Pages For Your Website
Content pages are the pages in your web site that Google will use to target ads to your website. These pages should be content-rich. In other words, you should have lots of content that the user will be interested in.
Each page of your website should be centered around one keyword that is related to the whole theme of your website. A keyword is the focal point of the article. To find out which keywords are the most searched, you can do your own search using software like Ad Word Analyzer.
When you decide on a theme, brainstorm list of suitable keywords for which you can write articles. For example, keywords for a website dealing with lawn care could include the following keywords:
Seeding your lawn Hedges Mowing the lawn Preventing insect infestation Flowers Flowering shrubs Treesread more>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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