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  • How To Effectively Build Teams and Make Them Work
    Business & Marketing
    This is an audiobookHow To Effectively Build Teams and Make Them Work
    How To Effectively Build Teams and Make Them Work

    This audiobook will help you master the art of teambuilding and teamwork. Whether you are a team leader or a team member, this audiobook will help you improve your team’s performance and satisfaction. more

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  • Americans Minds on Fire Americans Minds on Fire
    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle
    This is an audiobookAmericans Minds on Fire
    Americans Minds on Fire

    While "Americans Minds on Fire" does not offer a definitive solution to individual mental health struggles, it serves as a starting point for much-needed conversations. more

    USD $24.95

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    This is an audiobookDREAM PLAN DO

    The Dream Plan Do is a roadmap for achieving a successful life. You can achieve your goals by identifying your dreams and plan, building habits, taking action, managing time, overcoming obstacles, celebrating successes, and maintaining momentum. more

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  • Giving Change A Chance Audio Book
    Self Help & Motivational
    This is an audiobookGiving Change A Chance Audio Book
    Giving Change A Chance Audio Book

    “Giving Change A Chance – Learning To Love And Embrace Change In All Areas Of life” is a book all about discovering the life-changing power of CHANGE and how it can unlock your best life. more

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  • Impostor Syndrome Solution Audio eCourse
    Self Help & Motivational
    This is an audiobookImpostor Syndrome Solution Audio eCourse
    Impostor Syndrome Solution Audio eCourse

    "THE IMPOSTOR SYNDROME SOLUTION - A Comprehensive Guide to Rediscovering Your True Worth". The Impostor Syndrome Solution' isn't just a course; it's your pathway to self-discovery and empowerment. more

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  • The Imagined Journey: Meditative Walks Through Nature's Heart
    Self Help & Motivational
    This is an audiobookThe Imagined Journey: Meditative Walks Through Nature's Heart
    The Imagined Journey: Meditative Walks Through Nature's Heart

    Journey through your mind's serene landscapes, blending imagination with reality for profound tranquility. more

    USD $9.90

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